If you are enjoying the abundance of the season and feeling energized and happy, your heart energy is balanced. Continue to feel this balance by keeping hydrated, waking early, resting at midday, adding pungent foods to your diet and refraining from anger. Because of the sweltering weather we are already predisposed to heat. Anger will only exacerbate it and take you off balance. Stay calm and cool as best you can. Eating a cooling meal of fresh raw foods and drinking lots of water will help with this.
Foods in season are apricots, strawberries, watermelon, tomatoes, cucumbers, snow peas, bitter gourd, cilantro, mint, and mung beans are a few of the foods this season to help keep you cool. Try to avoid oily foods and meats such as beef or chicken which can encourage heat. Food is medicine and by keeping a diet in harmony with the season will be beneficial for your health and spirit.
News Around the Clinic
After 9 1/2 years Dr. Elizabeth Korza will be moving on to other ventures in her healthcare practice. The Berkeley Integrative Medical Group will be missed. We are looking for another group of practitioners to occupy that lovely space upstairs at The Ashby Center of Complementary Medicine. If you know anyone who is seeking a new place to practice, please have them contact me about the details.
This past week I attended a memorial service for one of my Teachers Dr.Chiang Yun Chung. I am in deep gratitude for all the teachings I received from him over the past 20 years. He was a superb Chinese painter and calligrapher as well as practitioner of Chinese medicine and Tai chi master.
There is a tribute and art exhibit of his life works at the Chinese art gallery in Santa Clara through the end of this month. I highly recommend that you take the time to visit the gallery to absorb his magnificence.
I look forward to enjoying each beautiful day of this summer and hope to see you soon!
Best Wishes,