Don’t be fooled by the sweltering weather we’ve been getting in the Bay Area the past few weeks. Autumn is here! This time of year brings a cooler breeze as well as the cold and flu season and helping your body defend from such ailments is one of the functions of the Lungs.
Because the climate is dry, your lungs have to work extra hard to make sure you stay healthy - which is why this is the optimal time to strengthen and treat imbalances in this organ. One of the easiest ways to nurture this delicate organ is by consciously breathing.
Too often we get caught up in our activities and only take shallow breaths throughout the day. Take time to be aware of your breath. This is easy to say but also easy to forget. Make a habit of remembering and create space for deep breathing wherever and whenever that may be.
Remind yourself to take at least one nourishing deep breath and maybe more will follow. If you have a hard time doing so, there is always an app to remind you. (Type in ‘deep breathing reminder’ in your App Store) Or, going to a yoga class will definitely remind you to breathe. Down below is a short video by Dr. Weil demonstrating the 4-7-8 relaxing yogic breath. Take a moment to follow his demo.
The food we eat is also a great way to strengthen the Lungs. Pungent and mildly spicy foods stimulate the lungs and move excessive mucus. Onions, garlic, cabbage radishes, turnips, mustard are considered pungent foods. Eating these foods regularly this season will encourage better lung function. Foods that moisten dry air passages that cause a dry cough include yams, cabbage, peppermint, Asian pear, lemon, carrots and persimmons. The color of the season and the Lungs is white, so as a general rule any white food eaten is beneficial. Take a look at the Burdock and Hijiki recipe on this blog. Click HERE!
Come and get a treatment to help strengthen your lungs this season!
Blessings and Best Wishes,
Because the climate is dry, your lungs have to work extra hard to make sure you stay healthy - which is why this is the optimal time to strengthen and treat imbalances in this organ. One of the easiest ways to nurture this delicate organ is by consciously breathing.
Too often we get caught up in our activities and only take shallow breaths throughout the day. Take time to be aware of your breath. This is easy to say but also easy to forget. Make a habit of remembering and create space for deep breathing wherever and whenever that may be.
Remind yourself to take at least one nourishing deep breath and maybe more will follow. If you have a hard time doing so, there is always an app to remind you. (Type in ‘deep breathing reminder’ in your App Store) Or, going to a yoga class will definitely remind you to breathe. Down below is a short video by Dr. Weil demonstrating the 4-7-8 relaxing yogic breath. Take a moment to follow his demo.
The food we eat is also a great way to strengthen the Lungs. Pungent and mildly spicy foods stimulate the lungs and move excessive mucus. Onions, garlic, cabbage radishes, turnips, mustard are considered pungent foods. Eating these foods regularly this season will encourage better lung function. Foods that moisten dry air passages that cause a dry cough include yams, cabbage, peppermint, Asian pear, lemon, carrots and persimmons. The color of the season and the Lungs is white, so as a general rule any white food eaten is beneficial. Take a look at the Burdock and Hijiki recipe on this blog. Click HERE!
Come and get a treatment to help strengthen your lungs this season!
Blessings and Best Wishes,